The recent Washington Post article titled, "As community veers right, political division tears apart Sarasota," has further inflamed a confrontation and cultural war between local liberals and conservatives.
There is a culture confrontation going on at the Sarasota County School Board meetings between Liberal Democrats and Conservative Republicans over wedge issues disrupting School Board meetings, which the Washington Post has enflamed.
At a recent Sarasota County School Board meeting on 5/13/2022 the passion dividing those attending the meeting between Liberal Democrats and Conservative Republicans over wedge issues was evident. There is no need for the Washington Post writing an article enflaming those passions.
At that recent School Board meeting on 5/13/2022, I did not witness what I been told to expect in the Washington Post article and others in the community---a total out of control right wing cases disrupting the meetings. What I witnessed was a group of passionate individuals concerned about social programs and materials that they opposed being integrated into their public schools.
Although there might a confrontation over edge social issues, on the other hand, there no confrontation going on between the great majority of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents in opposition to local "Pay to Play" gangster developers in control of Sarasota County government, as witnessed in recent retaining of Single Member District (SMD)---NO MENTIONED OF THAT IN THE POST ARTICLE.
Those liberals, conservatives, Republican, Democrats, and independents might disagree on social issues, but they agree that "Pay to Play" developers are corrupting Sarasota County government, while turning Sarasota into a paradise lost. NO MENTION OF THAT IN THE POST ARTICLE.

There are certainly right-wing nut cases moving into Sarasota, as reported in an excellent manner by Sarasota Herald Tribune writer Chris Anderson enflaming the cultural wars in Sarasota. There is no need for the Washington Post coming into Sarasota doing the same thing.
The Post reporter centered the article on Sarasota County School Board meetings, which indeed have become heated debates over social issues dividing the community.
The Post article also centered on portraying Christian and Bridget Ziegler as major players in a Republican Conservative movement, which they are not. The Ziegler's are nothing more than part of the Republican Conservative movement in Sarasota.
The Ziegler's are indeed a major part of the Republican Conservatives who are the pockets of those "Pay to Play" gangster developers, who care less about cultural wars. FOLLOW THE MONEY.

There is little doubt the Post reporter was out to vilify Christian Ziegler with a picture of him looking like a fat slob. The Post did not put a picture of the attractive Bridget Ziegler with her beautiful three young children.

On the other hand, the Post put out a favorable picture of the three liberal Democrat women singled out in the Washington Post article in opposition to the Ziegler's. The Post portrayed them as three mature women at a condo in Downtown Sarasota overlooking Sarasota Bay.
The Washington Post agenda was to vilify the local culture war and make the Ziegler's the picture of an evil conservative Republican local movement.
The Washington Post made no attempt to interview Republican Conservative leaders like Mike Hutchinson, Alex Coe, Bill Zoller, Mark Hawkins, Lourdes Ramirez, and many other Conservative Republicans.

These Conservative Republican are the opposite of the Ziegler's, who are deep the pockets of "Pay to Play" gangster developers corrupting Sarasota---FOLLOW THE MONEY.
The Washington Post has come to Sarasota to do what they and other major medias do nationwide--DIVIDE AMERICA OVER SOCIAL MORAL WEDGE ISSUES.
The Washington Post came to Sarasota to make the liberal Democrats the "good guys" and the conservative Republicans the "bad guys.
The Washington Post did not write that Democrats in 2015 were concerned in electing Democrats instead of more qualified Republicans to be Sarasota City Commissioners.
The Washington Post did not mention that Democrats have turned Sarasota City Hall over into the hands of "Pay to Play" gangster developers hanging out at the ARGUS Foundation.

The Washington Post did not mention that local Democrat leaders Christine Jennings, Rita Fernandino and Susan Nilon joined to together with a 68 CONVICTED felon Michael Barfield attempting to destroy the political careers of fellow Democrats Susan Chapman and Kelly Kirschner.

The Washington Post did not mention that Democrats leaders having already contributed over $50,000 to a Democrat City Commissioner running for Sarasota County Commissioner, who is a failed local States attorney and a documented vulgar, toxic , violent misogynist Hagen Brody.


Democrat Brody is also deep in the pockets of multimillion dollar Republican fundraiser Joel Schleicher, who has been appointed to various Florida statewide positions by Governor Ron DeSantis

The Washington Post did not mention that Hugh Culverhouse Jr. was awarded over $20 million by a six-member local jury for being defrauded by local "Pay to Play" gangster developers Randy Benderson and Henry Rodriquez.

Two weeks later a crooked local judge overturned that decision allowing the gangster Benderson to continue stuffing local judges and politicians in his pockets.
The Washington Post did not come to Sarasota to write about how the above examples and many other examples document how corrupt Sarasota has become and liberals and Democrats are NOT all the "good guys".
The Washington Post did not come to Sarasota to write that liberals, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, and Independents have joined together to take out these Pay to Play" gangster developers corrupting our community.
They came to town to further inflame our community by dividing Sarasota over social moral wedge issues.
The Washington Post agenda is to make Sarasota another Left/Right battle ground for School Board skirmishes and pit liberals against conservative, which continues to promote a culture war dividing our country. .
The Post article emphasized what tears Sarasota apart instead of what brings a majority of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents together, which is a corrupt Sarasota County government controlled by "Pay to Play" gangster's developers.
Instead, the Post reporter centered the entire article on Sarasota County School Board meetings, which is tearing Sarasota apart while ignoring what has brought Sarasota together.
Instead of stating that a coalition of Republican, Democrats and Independents came together to pass Single Member District (SMD) to end the reign of a gangster developer JUUNTA, the Washington Post rather writes about wedge issues that divides Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.
The retaining of SMD was a coalition of Republicans, Democrats and Independents, which included Conservative Republicans. One Donald Trump Conservative Republican contributed thousands of dollars to retain SMD.
Instead of stating how Republicans, Democrats and Independents came to together to protest the racist redistrict over 8,000 African American voters to ensure the election of a corrupt Sarasota County Commissioner Mike Moran in the pockets of Pay to Play" gangster developers, the Post rather centered on wedge issues that divides Sarasota.
Instead of stating that Sarasota is a community where a JUNTA of "Pay to Play" gangster developer having totally corrupted Sarasota by stuffing every politician in their pockets to make millions building their homes and shopping centers turning this once sleepy fishing village into another Ft. Lauderdale or Miami Beach, the Post instead writes about wedge issues that divides our community.