For all those folks, who believe there is a two-party system, especially those so called liberal Democrats in Sarasota and beyond, who think of themselves as the best and the brightest, I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no two-party system. It is just a one-party political system made up of establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans.

A local one-party establishment political system that is rotten to the bone, as a local legal system is totally corrupted by a fraternity of local layers in league with “Pay to Play” Developer Gangster Pat Neal.
A local one-party establishment political system that witnesses the self-proclaimed Best and Brightest, who in reality are the dumb and dumbest watching the establishment Democrats party hardy with establishment Republicans, as they destroy the ambiance of Sarasota and laugh all the way to the bank.

The multi-million-dollar Foundations, the major legal firms, the leading real estate firms, the local Judicial establishment, the developers, the construction firms, the administrators and educators at the Ringling School, the former New College left wing nut cases together with the white social elite, who attend the various galas at venues like Selby Gardens and Planned Parenthood and fly the LGBTQ flag have all bought into the politics of the ONE-PARTY ESTABLISHMENT POLITICAL SYSTEM.
What is incredible is that the five member Sarasota County Commission, who are all members of the ONE-PARTY ESTABLISHMENT POLITICAL SYSTEM funneled over $700,000 into the above left wing liberal organizations.

These self-proclaimed enlists, who hang out at Planned Parenthood and Selby Garden galas say not a word as the ever-smiling Roxie Jerde and her cronies at the million-dollar Foundations, who pump millions into the WestcoaSt Black Theatre’s Harvey Weinstein of Sarasota, Nate Jacobs’.

The Westcoast Church and School for Human Development in the Gillespie Park Downtown neighborhood
A local ONE-PARTY ESTABLISHMENT POLITICAL SYSTEM that that continues not to acknowledge that there is a cult that still exists in the Downtown Gillespie Park neighborhood, where for over 40 years a self-proclaimed Bishop Porter molested children from his Westcoast Church and School for Human Development.

A local ONE-PARTY ESTABLISHMENT POLITICAL SYSTEM that is rotten to the bone.
On the national level, the one-party Democrat and Republican establishment system has elected Presidents George H.W Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and now Joe Biden.
If anyone believes there is a nickel bit of difference between the men and women in the shadows, who run the local politicians than the men and women in the shadows, who run the above, you need to stop paying attention to the main stream establishment media.

Brill and Kuerther
On the local level, if you believe there is a nickel bit ofdifference between the Sarasota County Republican Executive Committee (REC) chaired by Jack Brill and the Sarasota County Democrat Executive Committee (DEC) chaired by Daniel Kuerther’s agenda, you need to put down the Sarasota Herald Tribune and the Sarasota Observer, as you turned off the local ABC channel 7.

On the national level, the one-party establishment party took a hit in 2016 when their candidate Hillary Clinton got defeated by a non establishment candidate Donald Trump. Ever since then the establishment party has declared a culture war on the supporters of Trump and his America First Movement.

On the local level, ever since 2005 when establishment Republicansand establishment Democrats joined together to take out grassroot candidates, Eileen Normile and Stan Zimmerman and Susan Chapman in in 2008 the two-party system in Sarasota came to an end.

Kirschner and Shaw
Since 2005 Sarasota County Democratic Executive Committee Chairwoman, Rita Ferrandino. and Christine Jennings worked together with local Civil Liberty Union Presidend Michael Barfield and Republicans Joe Barbetta and Paul Caragiulo to thrown legitimate Democrat grassroots candidates like Kelly Kirschner, Willy Shaw and Chapman under the bus.

In the City of Sarasota since 2005 nobody gets elected unless endorsed by the establishment party, LGBTQ organizations and the “Pay to Play” developers hanging out at Argus Foundation, where Christine Robinson is Executive Director.

Brody and Battie
The Democrat establishment along with LGBTQ political operatives made a complete mockery of Sarasota City Government when they joined together with the Republican establishment to elect Hagen Brody over Chapman and Kyle Battie over Shaw.
Brody was a failed local States Attorney who got run out of the States Attorney office for practicing law without a license and not showing up for court appearances. Battie was a failed model out of New York and Miami Beach, who rode around the Sarasota Downtown bar scene with a suspended license when not on his bicycle before becoming a Commissioner.

Battie, who worked as unlicensed masseur before getting elected City Commissioner got drunk one night after getting elected Commissioner and ended up in a gutter after threatening to f*** up a resident.
Shamefully, both Brody and Battie became Mayors of Sarasota with Battie serving as Mayor today.
On the Sarasota County level, an unwritten agreement between the local establishment Republican REC and the establishment Democrat REC has been made, in that the City of Sarasota and the Sarasota County School Board would be in control of the Democrat establishment and County Commission and other County offices, except for Tax Collector the establishment Republicans would control.

Rainford and Mast
In Sarasota County all establishment politicians like Neal Rainford and Teresa Mast, who are running for Sarasota County Commission in 2024 are handpicked by “Pay to Play” by developers like Pat Neal and Carlos Beruff, who finance the establishment candidates.
After kissing the rings of Neal and Beruff, political operatives like Bob Waechter and Ybor City based political operative Anthony Pedicini are assigned to run the campaigns of establishment candidates like Mast and Rainford.
After kissing various developers’ rings and assigned political operatives there are campaign
donations from the developers and their cronies stuffed in the pockets of RINO candidates like Mast and Rainford.
Mast has recently received over $194,000 from Neal and his cronies, while Rainford, who been appointed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to succeed the deceased County Commissioner Nancy Detert will see similar amounts in he next financial reports in October.

The money is stuffed in those pockets of establishment candidates to make it known to any possible opponent of Neal, Beruff, Randy Benderson, Rex Jensen and other "Pay to Play" developerss that there is much more to come if anyone desire to take on Mast or Rainford.

Barker and Rose
What better example is that there is not a nickel bit of difference between the local establishment Democrat Party and the local Republican establishment Party with the recent announcement that Republican estalishment Karen Rose is seeking re-election to the Sarasota County School Board and Democrat establishment Liz Barker has announced to run against her in the upcoming School Board race in 2024?
Does anyone doubt that Barker and Edwards and their left-wing liberal nut cases at Save Our Schools (SOS), the local Democrat Party and LGBTQ political operatives don’t have a win/win with a Rose and Barker contest?
Does anyone, who has been following the culture war going on in Sarasota, especially at the School Board believe there is any philosophical difference between Republicans Rose, Robyn Marinelli, Tim Enos and Democrat Tom Edwards after recent votes at the School Board?

Does anyone really believe there is any philosophical differences between an establishment School Board controlled of Jane Goodwin, Caroline Zucker and Shirley Brown, then a School Board controlled by the establishment party members of Enos, Edwards, Rose and Marinelli?

The recent vote for the present Sarasota County School Superintendent, Terrance Connor also exemplifies there is no difference between the Rose, Edwards, Marinelli coalition and the previous Edwards/Brown/Goodwin establishment coalition.
In the vote for Superintendent both Rose and Marinelli came out of the closet and back stabbed those who wanted and end to the establishment control of the School Board and joined Edwards in voting for the establishment’s handpicked School Superintendent, Terrance Connor.
With that vote the left-wing wackos at Save Our School (SOS), the local Democrat Party, and LGBTQ political operatives were all jubilant in the establishment of a School Board coalition of Edwards. Marinelli and Rose under the direction of Connor.

Their election of the establishment handpicked Connor saw a visit to a School Board meeting by the mouthpiece of the multimillion-dollar Foundations, who are the major players of this local corrupt establishment political party, the before mentioned Roxanne Jerde.

Jerde, who is a establishment Democrat was there to inform the School Board that the Foundations want to continue pushing a School Board led by a former liquor salesman from New York, Edwards with Rose and Marinelli continuing to go along to get along.


- On 9/30/2023 retired General Michael Flynn will plant an America First flag in Sarasota County with a FIGHT LIKE A FLYNN event.

The event will be held in Downtown Venice at the Venice Community Center where Flynn recently spoke before over 300 in attendance before the largest Sarasota County Republican Club.