The recent approval by the Sarasota County Commission of a 2,700-acre Pat Neal 3 H Ranch proposal is a prime example of a cash poor Neal being a hired gun for multi-million-dollar Okeechobee land owners making $millions.
Let’s us make it very simple in what is going on with this 3 H Ranch corrupt Neal proposal recently approved by a totally crooked four Sarasota County Commissioner stuffed in Neal’s pockets
This Neal 3 H Ranch proposal allows Neal to build his housing developments on property he has no resources to purchase and build upon, as Neal races to build homes to raise the needed cash to pay back his investors.
This 2,700-acre Neal proposal exemplifies Neal once again as being the go-to-guy for developers descending on Sarasota, who has Sarasota County Commissioners and local judges stuffed in his pockets, while the mullet wrapper Sarasota Herald Tribune goes along to get along with Neal and his cronies turning Sarasota into Paradise Lost.

Pedicini and Van Ostenbridge
By the way, did anyone fail to see the SHT Editorial Board endorsing the Carlos Beruff/Anthony Pedicini handpicked Mantee County Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge, who turned the Mantee Commission into a Shit Show? The endorsement ended any credibility that the SHT might have had.
This Neal 3 H Ranch proposal is another example of mullet wrappers like the SHT and Sarasota Observer failing to report on what goes on with the Neal County Commission Shit Show, as Neal once again is exposed as a hired gun making $millions for developers descending on Sarasota.
Another BTW, the SHT and Observer rock no boats in Sarasota County making $millions over the years on public notices advertising.
First of all, let us make it clear that Neal only owns 200 acres of the 2,700-acres involved in this 3 H Ranch proposal. Multi-million-dollar Okeechobee land owner John F. Hales and other Hales family members own the other 2,500 acres. The 3 H Ranch LLC with an Okeechobee address has John Hales as its Agent and Authorized Person along with Pamela Hales.
John Hales being a politically savvy developer knows that he does not have “the juice” with the Sarasota County Commission, as Neal does in getting his 2,700-project approved.

Sarasota County Commissioners-Neunder/Smith/Cutzinger/Moran/Rainford
Hales, as every developer outside of Sarasota who comes to Sarasota knows that Neal has the County Commissioners and the County Administrator in his pockets. Thus, Hales being no dummy has bought Neal as his agent to push through his project.
In addition to outside developers know Neal as the go-to-guy in control of the County Commission, Neal's ability to get financed by investors to build his developers is enhanced by Neal having Sarasota County Commissioners in his pockets.
Neal's deal with Hales has allowed Neal to buy 200 acres of the 2,700 and since Hale only owns the land and is not a developer, Neal will be allowed to build the Neal Communities trash on the 2,700-acre project.

Once Neal is hired, as the agent moving the Hales 3 Hat Ranch proposal through the corrupted County Commission, the Neal and Randy Benderson "mob" lawyer, Ed Vogler is hired. Vogler then begins the process of pushing the Hales proposal first through the Neal controlled Sarasota County Planning Board and then the Sarasota County Commission.
The general public might not know that Sarasota County planning Board members are appointed the County Commissioners stuffed in Neal’s. pockets.

Neal's flunky-Lewis
Vogler meets with the Sarasota County planning staff under the direction of another Neal flunky, County Administrator Jonathan Lewis. Vogler then gives the Lewis planning staff the Hales proposal and with minor adjustments on the Hales proposal, it goes onto the Planning Board where it is approved 7-0.
After the Planning Board approval, Lewis puts the Hales proposal on the County Commission agenda, which is exactly what Hales through Vogler wants approved. The Hales proposal then goes before the County Commission for approval.
At the County Commission meeting last Tuesday to approved the Hales proposal, Neal shows up and sits up front making it known to the County Commissioners voting against this proposal will see those Commissioners back in the private sector.
The present County Commoners are well aware what happens to former Commissioners like Paul Caragiulo and Christian Ziegler when they went off the Neal reservation.
At the County Commission SHIT SHOW last Tuesday, Vogler presents the proposal to the Commission and as they did at the Planning Board, Lewis’s planning staff members states their approval of the Hales proposal presented to them by Vogler.
The sham meeting then continues with a host of members of the general public voicing objections to the Hales 3 H Ranch 2,700-acre projects.
Also, in attendance approving the project were Neal Communities employees and various vendors, who will make $millions involved with the development of Neal 4 H Ranch proposal.
After the presentation, four of the Neal Commissioner puppets wasted the time of those in attendance mouthing comments that basically confirming they are part of Neal’s crooked scam by voting to approve the 3 H Ranch Hales 2,700 proposal 4-1.

County Commissioner Mark Smith voted against the project signaling at least there is one County Commissioners, who is not another flunky for Neal.
Following the vote the usual uproar is heard in the community and another clueless SHT reporter writes an inane article followed by another equally inane article in the Sarasota Observer, as life goes on in this total corrupt Sarasota County.
By the way, if anyone desires to take this near illegal crooked proposal to the local 12th Judicial District system for relief—FORGET IT.

As been witnessed in the past by those who went to the local Judicial system for relief and were denied, they found out that Neal not only has corrupted the Sarasota County Commission, Neal has corrupted the 12th Judicial District, which is another corrupt issue the mullet wrapper Sarasota Herald Tribune goes along to get along with Neal and his cronies turning Sarasota into Paradise Lost.

For example, as anyone can chew gum and walk knows that under Florida Governor Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis, Neal from his perch at 12th Judicial Nominating committee has sent up his approved local judges up to Scott and DeSantis for their approval.
As anyone who has sought Judicial relief from the Neal controlled crooked County Commission decisions knows, unless they come before Judge Hunter Carrol their efforts end in being denied.
In addition, to any logical individual who has seen this Neal SHIT SHOW too many times, Neal is once again exposed as just a hired gun making millions for himself and other developers descending on Sarasota.
Another aspect of this political fossil Neal and his Neal Communities that needs exposed concerned with this 3 H Ranch proposal, which is not found in other local media outlets other than the Sarasota Phoenix, is that Neal is extremely cash poor.
Being cash poor, Neal needs to put out those Neal Communities homes as fast as he can to pay back his investors, paying his numerous employees and of course the $millions buying crooked politicians he has stuffed in his pockets.
The more developments Neal can build upon like the 3 H Ranch development, Neal can keep the cash flowing to pay back his creditors, his overhead, his PR and buying off politicians.
Being cash poor and Neal needing cash fast results in a vast majority of Neal Communities homes being pieces of junk. The general public should see the complaints the Phoenix receives about Neal Communities homes
One of many reasons Neal Communities homes are substandard is due to Neal Communities hired contractors have a hard time finding competent mechanics building Neal Communities homes. Most of the electricians. plumbers, framers, etc. have left Sarasota because they can’t afford to live here.
Bottom line, Neal is nothing more than a high paid rainmaker pushing this 3 H Ranch proposal on behalf of a multi-million-dollar Okeechobee land owner before his crooked Sarasota County Commission stufed in Neal's pocket.
Add to that Neal resume; Neal operates a cash poor Neal Communities building substandart homes, who could care less what he builds or where he builds.---JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THE NEAL COMMUNTIES HOMES RECENTLY FLOODED.
In conclusion, to any logical individual who has seen this Neal SHIT SHOW too many times, Neal is once again exposed as just a hired gun making millions for himself and other developers descending on Sarasota.

Jon Susce
The Sarasota Phoenix team is the last guardian in Sarasota of the vital fourth estate. While the rest of local, mainstream media outlets have been overtaken by profit driven directives, the Sarasota Phoenix is the only local media outlet laying bare for all to see how Sarasota local government is operating like a Latin American Junta.
"As usual, Jon Susce offers great insight found nowhere else in Suncoast and State Republican politics." Kevin Wright of the Manatee Republican Liberty Caucus.
"Jon uncovers local corruption you will read about nowhere else. Vital and important information." Dan Lobeck President of Control Growth Now.
"Jon is easily the very best investigative reporter to ever work this market." Don Schilke a Director for Sarasota Alliance for Fair Elections.
"Jon searches for the truth of the mater. He holds everyone accountable for their misleading actions or not. To God be the glory for what he is doing." Valeria Buchand President of Newtown Nation.