Porter's Westcoast Downtown Church and School for Human Development
Last Friday night at 9 PM in a packed Sarasota courtroom in Downtown Sarasota a seven member jury dropped a grenade on Sarasota as they found self proclaimed Bishop Henry Porter had been sexually molested children at Porter's Downtown Sarasota church, school and home in Sapphire Shores for over 50 years.

The Sarasota community should be proud of local Assistant States Attorney Ryan Felix who did a GREAT job and worked extremely hard to bring Porter to justice.
Felix was up against one of the state's most respected criminal lawyers Brett McIntosh. Felix did not back down and proved without a reasonable doubt that Porter is one of most evil persons to walk the streets of Sarasota. Porter will get a life sentence in a few weeks and die in prison.
Felix did a masterful and brilliant job in presenting the facts of the case. Felix brought respectability back to the local States Attorney office after Porter had made a mockery of the local criminal justice system for over 50 years as he molested a countless number of Black children.

The trial was presided over by Judge Thomas Krugg who crossed all the t's and dotted all the i's in making judicial sure that the proceedings were conducted in the most highy professional manner. Kruggs reputation of being one of most respected and qualified judges to sit on the 12th Judicial circuit was confirmed.

The verdict was unanimous, and it was never in question despite McIntosh's efforts, who tried his best to defend the indefensible.

Porter at Michael's on East enjoinig socializing with Sarasota's social elite
At the trial, It became apparent that for over 50 years Porter molested and raped Black children as young as 10 years old while Porter was hob knobbing with the white social elite of Sarasota.

Porter at Westcoast Church in Downtown Sarasota
Despite a recently hired Sarasota Herald Tribune reporter who was sent out by her editors to fall on the grenade attempting to put creditability to Porter's attorney attempts to put lipstick on a pig, Porter was convicted of the most hideous child molestation crimes.
Instead of sending a seasoned reporter of like Carrie Seidman, Samantha Gholar Weires or Chris Anderson the SHT sent a young reporter just hired a few months ago from Tennessee. By the way where is the SRQ and Sarasota Magazine, who over the years wrote countless puff pieces on Porter.

Porter with Sarasota City Commissioners Suzanne Atwell and Danny Bilyeu on Porter's right

June Gordon, Porter, honoree Nate Jacobs and Joyce Bellamy at Hall of Fame luncheon--4/22/2013

Henry Porter II, Veronica Brady Miller Senior Vice President of Gulf Coast Community Foundation and Bishop Henry Porter at Goodwill Ambassador of he Year award on 11/17/2011
The Sarasota Herald Tribune, or the other local mullet wrapper the Sarasota Observer, have no intention of reporting that Porter was for years groomed by the local white culture elite of Sarasota to be their example of racial compatibility.

The SHT has been disgraceful sticking its head in the sand and was unwilling to admit that SHT editors like Diane McFarland would watch as Porter performed with young children in front of the SHT headquarters in Downtown Sarasota.

Porter performing in Dowtown Saraota in front of Sarasota Herald Tribune offices
The SHT will always have the reputation that for over 50 years as a Porter enabler, as Black children were molested and raped.
The Sarasota Herald Tribune's reputation is in the gutter, as is the Sarasota Police Department and FBI, who conducted bogus investigations of Porter in 1990 and 2001-2002.
Incredible Porter was investigated by the Sarasota Police Department in 1990 and 2001-2002 and despite over 30 reported cases of child molestation by Porter, he was never arrested and proceeded to continue molesting children at his Downtown Sarasota church and school.
It was testified that Porter not only molested and raped Black children here in Sarasota, but also while traveling with young children throughout the United States, Europe and Africa.

Porter entertaining for President Bill Clinton in White House
The child molester of countless Black children entertained in the White House for President Bill Clinton and received two Points of Light awards from Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

Florida Governor Jeb Bush
One of the most outrageous sexual molestation by Porter was testified by a 49-year-old male victim, who testified that Porter drove in a limousine down a dirt road in Lake County, Florida to bring him, as a 12-year-old boy, back to Sarasota to live in Porter's Westcoast church and attend Porter's Westcoast School in Sarasota.
It was just weeks after arriving in Sarasota and taking up residence in an apartment at the Westcoast church that Porter started performing oral and anal sex on the young boy.
After one alleged anal sex attack, the young boy stated he could not leave the apartment for 2-3 days because he suffered the pain of the attack. The alleged victim also testified later on a trip with Porter to Tallahassee in Porter's limousine. Porter had him give him oral sex.
There were numerous statements at Porter's trial that need not be repeated due to their vulgarness and sexual disgusting acts of sexual depravity on young Black children.
It was mentioned at the trial that Porter had his own school at the Church's location in Downtown Sarasota and was able to call down children from an upstairs location to his inner office in the church where he sexually molested the young students.
It was in testimony at the trial that Porter had groomed Black children out of his church and school for his sexual pleasure.
The jury determined that Porter had been molesting and raping Sarasota children for over 50 years, while the local media, law enforcement and Sarasota white cultural elite ignored sexual molesting of Black children.

Chad Watkins
It has become disgracefully apparent that unless Chad Watkins, who was first molested in a hotel room in Daytona Beach at age 15, had he not come forward courageously with his video calling out Porter as sexually molesting him, Porter would not be awaiting being sentenced to life imprisonment.
Watkins was interviewed by the SPD and alleged the sexual abuse started when he was 15 and lasted until he was 21. The abuse took place in the "Inner Office", which was described as an internal structure of Porter's church in Downtown Sarasota. Watkins told police the abuse included oral and anal sexual acts.
Local law enforcement which includes the Sarasota Police Department and FBI disgracefully had no intention of reopening an investigation of Porter molesting and raping untold number of Black Children until Watkins produced his video.

Lynn Billings in charge of FBI investagation of Porter in 2002
The SPD and FBI had no intentions of admitting their blotched investigation in 1990 and 2000-2002 had allowed Porter for at least the next 30 years to molest and rape Black children at his Downtown Church, School, home and throughout the United States, Europe, and Africa.

Chris Iorio
For example, three years before Porter was arrested this reporter and the then retired Sarasota County Sheriff's Department child sexual investigative detective Chris Iorio approached SPD law enforcement official with detailed information from sources that Porter had been molesting and raping Black children for years.
No investigation was reopened until one of our sources reported to the SPD that Watkins had posted his video.

Lynn Thomson led Sarasota Police Departmen investigation of Porter in 2001-2002 Thomson now with Sarasota County Sheriff (Thomson three on right from Sheriff Tom Knight)
Only then did the SPD open an investigation that led to Porter's arrest. God only knows how many Black children Porter had groomed for sexual molestation over those years until being arrest.
The two criminal cases that Porter was convicted of criminal molesting a child under 12 are the tip of the iceberg.

Judge Donna Berlin Padar in 2001-2002 was at local States Attorney office assisting in 2001-2002 investigation of Porter
For example, in the botched Sarasota Police Department (SPD) and FBI investigations of 1990 and 2001-2002, law enforcement conducted separate criminal investigations into the defendant's sexual abusing children. During those investigations, over 20 youths provided statements to law enforcement disclosing they were sexually abused by the defendant in the past.
It was testified Porter made the children come down downstairs from the school to enter his private office from another entrance. The victim stated, "That way Porter was not seen bringing a child back toward the inner/private office. Once the sexual acts concluded the victim would have to leave in the same manner."
Another Porter victim testified Porter's abuse started when he was 12, after his father abandoned him at the Westcoast Center for Human Development. He alleged Porter groomed him by "touching him" before he was forced on an air mattress in the inner office and touched inappropriately.
It was further testified that sexual batteries would occur 3-4 times a week, often inside Porter's inner office." The office was in Porter's Church and School in Downtown Sarasota.
One victim testified that after Porter molested him, Porter would always make us confess our faults to each other and pray and ask that God will forgive us for what we just did.
It is further alleged in sworn statements, "These sexual batteries would occur 3-4 times a week often inside Porter's inner office."
This is not the last chapter in Sarasota's disgraceful over 50-year Porter relationship Sarasota had with Porter, who molested and raped countless Black children while the white elite of Sarasota entertained Porter at countless social events.
In addition, the Sarasota Police Department and FBI needs to be held accountable for failing to bring Porter to justice after their bogus criminal investigations in 1990 and 2001-2002, as countless Black suffered sexual abuse from Porter.
It is equally important that all those individuals who did absolutely nothing to bring Porter to justice need to be publicly recognized and be disgracefully called out as Porter enablers.

Porter with with Westcoast Black Theater Troupe Founder and artistic director Nate Jacobs. Jacobs named West Coast Black Theater after Porter -- his mentor for over 30 years.