Self-proclaimed Bishop Henry Porter's trial in the Art of Molestation in the sexual abuse of a 11-year child at Porter's Sarasota Downtown Church and School and beyond started yesterday at the Downtown Saraota courthouse only blocks from Porter's Church and School.

Local States Attorney Ryan Felix's opening stated," Henry Lee Porter harnessed the word of God to sexually abuse children.

Defense Attorney Brett McIntosh said. The defense agreed, this is a case of manipulation. But not from Porter. "The manipulation is coming from witnesses that you're going to hear from in this trial."
McIntosh accused the victim to conspire with Porter son, Henry Porter II to take control of Bishop Porter's church. It was brought out in rebuttal by Felix, that Bishop Porter turned over the church to his son in a celebration at the church before Bishop Porter was arrested.
Trial started only after Porter's fist alleged victim was threatened to be killed by one of Porter's former members at the Westcoast Church and School of Human Development.
The proceedings took place before a packed house of spectators, which included various media outlets outside of Sarasota. No Sarasota Herald Tribune or Sarasota Observer, who were probably covering new restaurant openings.https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/region-sarasota-manatee/trial-begins-for-sarasota-bishop-accused-of-sexually-abusing-children
No ABC Chanel 7 or SNN, who no doubt were too busy covering Sea Turtle Esther released as part of the 15th Annual Tour de Turtles.
Porter was arrested nearly 20 years after an investigation of Porter was closed in 2003 and a previous investigation 30 years ago in 1990 on Porter molesting African American children was closed.
Porter according to court documents allegedly molested and raped Black children not only in his Downtown Sarasota Church/School, in his multimillion-dollar home in the Indian Beach/ Sapphire Shores neighborhood, but also in Tucson, Arizona; Anderson; South Carolina; San Diego, California; Savannah, Georgia; Gastonia, North Carolina; Rome, Italy and in Africa, as he traveled and toured with a musical ensemble and troupe of children.
In a pack courtroom in Downtown Sarasota just blocks away from Porters' Westcoast Church and School for Human Development where Porter has been alleged to have molested and raped young Black children for over 40 years, Porter first alleged victim stepped forward.
Felix's first victim after his opening statement detailing how Porter used his ministry to groom and molested young children was a 40-year-old victim, who wishes to remain anonymous.
The victim stated he attended Porters school from K-12 where the sexual abuse continues through all those years.
The man stated he traveled and toured with Porter entertaining musically with Porter and his ensemble throughout the United States, Europe and Africa. The sexual molestation would continue at those various locations.
The alleged victim proceeded to detail how Porter's church was a place of worship where Porter was anointed by God and was the hand of God to his followers.
The alleged victim stated as long as he could remember that he, his mother, father and sister were devoted to Porter's church. The victim stated the family would do absolutely nothing without Bishops Porter's approval.
Thus, it was not unusual that the then 11-year-old victims parents left the young child in Porter's care when the victim's father traveled to receive medical treatment in Pittsburgh.
While in Porter's care at his home in Sapphire Shires, Porter continued his molestation of the then child, which started at Porter' church and school at age 11.
The sexual abuse would continue through the victim's school years at Porter's church, school and at Porter multimillion dollar home in the exclusive Sapphire Shores neighborhood.
The victim detailed how Porter would have him called down from Westcoast School's upper room of the church to Porters inner office. Porter would turn up the TV and air condoner and begin the molestation on a weekly or sometimes-daily basis.
That man, now in his 40s, detailed how Porter groomed and abused him during the years he grew up in the church.
"Then we would put our clothes back on," the alleged victim said. "He would always pray, have us confess our faults to each other."
The alleged victim said he was brought into a private room in the church that only Porter had a key to. Graphic descriptions were given of oral and anal sex between the two.
The alleged victim testified that part of why he decided to come forward was because when he went back to the church, he feared other young children were still being abused.
The trial continues today.